




Idol's' Still a Tough Act to Follow'Idol's' Still a Tough Act to Follow 。

Obama Maintains "Lie," Disrespects "Idol"!

That should have been yesterday's headline. Sadly, it was not. Here's what happened:

Back in early January, Fox, which had noted the ratings success of CBS's "The Mentalist" -- about a guy who uses his keen powers of observation to solve crimes -- announced that it would debut its drama "Lie to Me" -- about a guy who uses his keen powers of observation to solve crimes -- in the plum post-"American Idol" Wednesday-night-at-9 time slot.

Once again this year, Fox decided that the Wednesday "Idol" results show would move to 9 p.m., once viewers got to start voting -- so "Lie" would move to 8 o'clock. In late January, Fox sent out a memo to that effect, and the change was to have started this week.

When Fox found out, in early February, that the White House had scheduled President Obama's first speech to the joint houses of Congress for Tuesday, which meant next week's two-hour performance "Idol" would be bumped from Tuesday to Wednesday, causing "Lie" to be preempted -- "Lie's" second preemption in three weeks -- Fox sent out a memo that it would instead keep Wednesday's "Idol" in the 8 p.m. berth until March 11 -- as originally announced in December.

Sadly, all that news got past a trade reporter, who discovered Monday that "Lie" and "Idol" were swapping time slots, which would mean that the traditional Wednesday "Idol" results show would air in the traditional Wednesday "Idol" results show's traditional 9 p.m. time slot -- the same time slot in which ABC airs its struggling "Lost."

"Fox moves 'Idol' against 'Lost,' " the reporter blogged late Monday.

That, in turn, caused the Web site Defamer to write " 'Lost' faces a new villain: permanently rescheduled 'American Idol,' " yesterday morning, with a link to the trade reporter's blog.

The story spread like a rash through a "Real World" house.

Sunday's broadcast of the Academy Awards -- a.k.a. Super Bowl for Chicks -- is shaping up to be one of the franchise's more dismal, from a TV broadcast point of view.

Last year's Oscarcast copped historically low ratings: 32 million, down from nearly 40 million in 2007.

Still, that's a number any other TV program except the actual Super Bowl would kill for this season, including this year's Academy Awards, which is expected to clock an even smaller number Sunday, based on the fact that everything is down this year in ratings -- except the Super Bowl. And let's face it, those Nielsen numbers are somewhat dubious given that Nielsen's final stats differed from its preliminary figures by an unheard of 3.3 million viewers, which bewildered even people at Nielsen.

This year's Oscarcast will probably attract even fewer viewers because the Best Picture nominees aren't any box-office barnburners: They are "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" which, yes, stars Brad Pitt, but he's an old prune for at least part of the flick, plus "Frost/Nixon," "Milk," "The Reader" and favored-to-win "Slumdog Millionaire."

Then there's this year's host: Hugh Jackman, who, while enormously talented, is not exactly a household name, nor is he the kind of "get" who inspires The Reporters Who Cover Television to give the show millions of dollars' worth of free advance publicity in the form of "OMG, how did they persuade Jon Stewart to host the Oscars?!" kinda articles and columns.

From ABC's point of view, the Oscar outlook "is anything but golden" according to media buyer TNS Media Intelligence. Thanks to our grim economy, ABC has cut its asking price for a 30-second commercial by about 18 percent, though that still translates to $1.4 million per 30-second ad.

And while we already knew that GM is out and Hyundai and Audi are in as this year's automotive sponsors, General Motors had been a continuous presence in the Oscar broadcast since at least 1992. L'Oreal also dropped out as the Oscar's beauty brand just one week before the broadcast, according to a report in Mediaweek.

This year, the motion picture academy finally agreed, for the first time, to let the network sell ad time to movie studios. In the past the academy has refused, lest it give the appearance of give and take, or that a studio knew in advance the outcome of the voting. That said, the academy is allowing ads only for films that open the last weekend of April or later.







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